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Cession Agreement Sample - Silicon Institute

If you`re planning on entering into a cession agreement, it`s important to have a sample on hand to reference. A cession agreement, also known as an assignment agreement, is a legal document that transfers ownership of a debt, claim, or other asset from one party to another. This can happen in a variety of contexts, including business transactions and debt collection.

Having a well-drafted cession agreement can help protect your interests and ensure that the transfer of ownership is legally binding. Here are a few key elements that should be included in a cession agreement sample:

1. Parties Involved: The cession agreement should clearly identify the parties involved in the transfer. This includes the original creditor or owner of the debt, as well as the new owner or assignee.

2. Description of Asset: The cession agreement should provide a detailed description of the asset being transferred. This might include the amount of the debt, the nature of the claim, or any other relevant details.

3. Consideration: The cession agreement should outline the consideration being provided by the new owner in exchange for the transfer of ownership. This might include a cash payment or the assumption of a debt.

4. Representations and Warranties: Both parties should make certain representations and warranties in the cession agreement. For example, the original creditor might warrant that the debt is valid and enforceable, while the new owner might warrant that they have the legal right to own and collect on the debt.

5. Indemnification: The cession agreement should outline the indemnification obligations of both parties. This ensures that each party is responsible for any damages that may arise as a result of the transfer.

6. Governing Law: The cession agreement should identify the governing law that will apply to the transaction. This can vary depending on the jurisdiction in which the parties are located.

By including these key elements in a cession agreement sample, you can ensure that the transfer of ownership is legally sound and that both parties are protected. If you`re unsure about the drafting of a cession agreement, it`s always best to seek the advice of a legal professional.